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On Relationships

The Power of Humor: Holiness and Wonderment in Your Marriage
Couples, OpinionWhy are you so serious? Surely, you must be kidding.
This is something I would tell my younger self at the beginning stage of my marriage. Life is short (unless you're Methuselah or Yoda) and it goes by way too quickly to get hung up on frivolous…

My Interfaith Marriage
Couples, OpinionThe relationship between Protestants and Catholics can range from being ecumenically united to serve as Christ did, to the punchline of a good joke, to full-on violence between the two. Within that spectrum, many interfaith couples have come…

Discovering Better Health Through Natural Family Planning
Couples, Couples NFP"Well…I suppose we could put you on the pill for that.”
This was a phrase I heard all too often during my adolescence. When I sought help for longer than normal periods, the sharp pain in my abdomen, or troublesome acne, the answer always…

Book Review – The Good, The Messy, and The Beautiful
CouplesBook Title: The Good, The Messy, and the Beautiful
Authors: Dr. Edward and Beth Sri
Who Should Read It?
This book is great for engaged or married couples who want to learn from the experience of a couple married over 20 years. It’s…

Pray Fast Give
CouplesAs we near the middle of the Lenten season, couples may find themselves in a variety of positions. Some have experienced greater connection as they practice the spiritual disciplines of prayer and fasting together, some may be experiencing conflict…

National Marriage Week Advice
Clergy, CouplesFor National Marriage Week, we asked ministry leaders and married couples, "What is one important thing couples need to know in their first year of marriage?"
Here are some of our favorite replies:
One thing Mike and I have learned is that…

What do you do at Pre-Cana?
Couples, Couples Marriage Prep, Engagedhttps://vimeo.com/790847585
Now that you've made the big decision and you're beginning the marriage prep process, you may have heard about “Pre-Cana” from your priest or others in your parish.
What is Pre-Cana?
Simply put, Pre-Cana is…

Your Traditions (In Motion)
CouplesIn the last article, we provided questions and a worksheet to spark discussion between you and your spouse. The challenge was to come up with new holiday traditions of your own.
So… Did you do that? If not, use this handy activity sheet we made:

Discussing Finances with Your Partner
CouplesFinancial discussions can be difficult to have with your partner. Everyone has different philosophies about managing money. However, when couples get married, having healthy discussions about money can directly affect your relationship.
On Catholic Weddings

Cold Feet or Call it Off
Couples Catholic Weddings, Couples Marriage Prep, OpinionWhat if I'm having doubts about getting married?
The engagement period is marked by several emotional highs: the thrill of announcements, anxiety about mounting costs, and the mad dash to get everything done. Couples will ride the roller coaster…

New Finances Production
Clergy, Couples Marriage Prep
What do engaged couples need to know about finances during marriage prep?
This is a big question to answer. Especially considering the diversity of couples who get married in the Catholic Church.
Did you know the average age…

Couples Catholic Marriage, Couples Catholic Weddings, Couples Marriage Prep“Of course we will do a Catholic marriage service. Do you want to do a Latin Mass?”
This was the first sentence from my Protestant fiancé as we sat down to figure out what our marriage ceremony would look like.
Branden and I had spent…

Looking for a Parish Community
Couples Catholic Marriage, Couples Catholic Weddings, Couples Marriage PrepA Message to Newlyweds
Congratulations on your wedding!
The two of you have entered a lifetime covenant by joining your lives in the sacred union of marriage. Even though this may sound very scary and challenging, you are not alone on this…

What do you do at Pre-Cana?
Couples, Couples Marriage Prep, Engagedhttps://vimeo.com/790847585
Now that you've made the big decision and you're beginning the marriage prep process, you may have heard about “Pre-Cana” from your priest or others in your parish.
What is Pre-Cana?
Simply put, Pre-Cana is…

How do you get married in the Catholic Church?
Couples Catholic Marriage, Couples Catholic Weddings, Couples Marriage PrepFinding a partner to share the rest of your life with is a blessing. If you’ve recently been engaged and are planning to be married in the Catholic Church, there are a few steps you'll need to take.
In the Catholic Church, marriage is a Sacrament, and taking these important steps will prepare you for a lifetime of love and commitment to each other and God.

The 6 Most Important Tips for Newlyweds
Couples, Couples Marriage PrepCongratulations! If you’re reading this you have successfully survived engagement, marriage preparation, wedding planning, and hopefully had the best day of your life with a lovely honeymoon to boot!
When my husband, Joshua, and I got…

I believe in you. I cherish you.
Couples, Couples Marriage PrepWhat phrases do you need to hear from your spouse?

Three Types of Premarital Assessments: Which one should you take?
Couples Marriage PrepSo, your priest or marriage mentor said you need to do a premarital assessment. You’re here reading this article, so you’re likely a high achiever who wants to get this right. There are three popular premarital assessments that help couples…
On Natural Family Planning

A Shared Approach to Natural Family Planning
Couples NFPRed light, green light.
It’s a game I’ve seen some couples play as their approach to using Natural Family Planning (NFP). The woman attends most or all of the teaching sessions for the chosen method of NFP, she diligently charts and asks…

My Journey With NFP in Real Life
Couples NFP, OpinionFrom single, to used, to married...
My journey with NFP in real life has been anything but linear.
A loop-de-loop would be a more appropriate term.
Even before marriage, I was encouraged by a Catholic mentor to proactively begin charting…

Common Questions About NFP
Couples NFPThere is a lot of excitement when you first get engaged. It can be a very thrilling season of life, but it also includes a big checklist of things to do. Depending on the length of your engagement, you'll either be in a rush or have some time…

Discovering Better Health Through Natural Family Planning
Couples, Couples NFP"Well…I suppose we could put you on the pill for that.”
This was a phrase I heard all too often during my adolescence. When I sought help for longer than normal periods, the sharp pain in my abdomen, or troublesome acne, the answer always…

5 Qualities of a Great NFP Course
Clergy NFP, Couples NFPConsidering our vocation to be a light to the world, we have a duty to discover and transmit God’s truth in all aspects of human existence, including human sexuality. And that involves sharing the truth about the often misunderstood and hotly…

What is Natural Family Planning (NFP)?
Couples NFPNatural Family Planning (NFP) is a method of planning your family in a natural way that respects the Catholic Church and allows you to manage your fertility.
NFP allows you the freedom to achieve, postpone or avoid pregnancy.
The unique…