Fast Facts
Complete Pre-Cana course, delivered on-demand
Promoted by the USCCB and covers all recommended topics
NO cost to your parish or diocese
We handle ALL tech support so you can focus on ministry
Watch this quick video for answers!
Complete Pre-Cana course, delivered on-demand
Promoted by the USCCB and covers all recommended topics
NO cost to your parish or diocese
We handle ALL tech support so you can focus on ministry
Watch this quick video for answers!
We handle all tech support for our courses. If a couple is having trouble registering, logging in, with video playback, or anything else, they can email or call us and we’ll solve their problem.
Couples who take our courses like the ability to pause videos and have deeper discussions about the topics in the privacy of their own locations.
Guided journals help facilitate deeper conversations about course videos. Guides can be printed or emailed and kept for private memories or shared with ministry leaders.
A downloadable, printable Certificate of Completion is available when couples complete the course.
Access to the course is 24/7 for one full year, so couples can log back in and see anything they’d like to review.
We’d love you to check it out!
We offer a complimentary demo of the entire course, so you can experience it just like your couples will.
Connect with our team for your free demo by signing up for our free Starter Pack:
Our courses are perfect for couples who:
Live far from the parish or diocese.
Are separated by distance due to college, work, or military service.
Speak Spanish or are bilingual.
Can’t attend an in-person event due to distance or schedules.
Had signed up for a parish or diocese event that was cancelled.
Have hearing impairments, sensory preferences, or certain learning styles.
Couples who fall under any of these categories find it difficult, and in some cases, impossible to attend a gathered event.
The good news is you can still provide them with a quality, comprehensive marriage preparation experience!