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On Relationships

Indescribable Joy
CouplesMy Son's First Reconciliation Journey
What does indescribable joy feel like? Well, this is something that I experienced when my son celebrated his First Reconciliation a few weeks ago. It was a Saturday before his First Communion, and he had…

How to Rejoice with Gratitude & Humility
Couples, Couples Catholic Marriage, Couples Marriage PrepThe rite of Holy Matrimony is beautiful.
Not only for the day of the wedding, but it bears fruit for years to come. One of the sections I have constantly reflected on during my marriage is the pledge to be faithful in all circumstances.

5 Saints I Wish I Knew More About
Couples, Couples Marriage PrepAt the start of my marriage...
One of the things I remembered talking about in marriage prep was the importance of making time for your spouse.
To carve out certain times of the day or week for quality time — putting the kids to bed early…

NFP as a Path to Holiness
Couples, Couples NFPIntegrating Faith into Family Planning
These three letters, standing for Natural Family Planning, represent the Catholic Church’s teaching on achieving or postponing pregnancy. Sometimes, NFP can sound like a burden rather than a…

What You Didn’t Know about Natural Family Planning
Couples, Couples NFPChildren are a gift from the Lord. - Psalm 127:3
This reminder from Scripture is often underrated and forgotten, and conversations about planning your family in discernment with God need to have this understanding in mind.
Considering children…

Parenting Neurodivergent Children
Couples, Married3 Lessons I've Learned
"I just want something good to happen in my life."
I distinctly recall saying this to my wife on a midsummer evening in early 2015. We were still reeling from a tragic year. New city. New jobs. Lots of change. That's…

Keep Your Marriage Evergreen
Couples, Couples Catholic MarriageThe more you do something, the better you get at it, but there is also a danger of taking it for granted.
Marriage is like a tree. It takes time to grow and flower. It also needs to be planted in the best "soil" and nourished frequently. Let’s…

The Power of Humor: Holiness and Wonderment in Your Marriage
Couples, OpinionWhy are you so serious? Surely, you must be kidding.
This is something I would tell my younger self at the beginning stage of my marriage. Life is short (unless you're Methuselah or Yoda) and it goes by way too quickly to get hung up on frivolous…

My Interfaith Marriage
Couples, OpinionThe relationship between Protestants and Catholics can range from being ecumenically united to serve as Christ did, to the punchline of a good joke, to full-on violence between the two. Within that spectrum, many interfaith couples have come…

Discovering Better Health Through Natural Family Planning
Couples, Couples NFP"Well…I suppose we could put you on the pill for that.”
This was a phrase I heard all too often during my adolescence. When I sought help for longer than normal periods, the sharp pain in my abdomen, or troublesome acne, the answer always…

Book Review – The Good, The Messy, and The Beautiful
CouplesBook Title: The Good, The Messy, and the Beautiful
Authors: Dr. Edward and Beth Sri
Who Should Read It?
This book is great for engaged or married couples who want to learn from the experience of a couple married over 20 years. It’s…

Pray Fast Give
CouplesAs we near the middle of the Lenten season, couples may find themselves in a variety of positions. Some have experienced greater connection as they practice the spiritual disciplines of prayer and fasting together, some may be experiencing conflict…

National Marriage Week Advice
Clergy, CouplesFor National Marriage Week, we asked ministry leaders and married couples, "What is one important thing couples need to know in their first year of marriage?"
Here are some of our favorite replies:
One thing Mike and I have learned is that…

What do you do at Pre-Cana?
Couples, Couples Marriage Prep, Engagedhttps://vimeo.com/790847585
Now that you've made the big decision and you're beginning the marriage prep process, you may have heard about “Pre-Cana” from your priest or others in your parish.
What is Pre-Cana?
Simply put, Pre-Cana is…

Your Traditions (In Motion)
CouplesIn the last article, we provided questions and a worksheet to spark discussion between you and your spouse. The challenge was to come up with new holiday traditions of your own.
So… Did you do that? If not, use this handy activity sheet we made:

Discussing Finances with Your Partner
CouplesFinancial discussions can be difficult to have with your partner. Everyone has different philosophies about managing money. However, when couples get married, having healthy discussions about money can directly affect your relationship.

When Are Outside Friendships Ruining Your Marriage?
CouplesHaving friendships with individuals and other couples is healthy for married couples.
We should all have a variety of people to engage with socially and consult for advice. Your best friend doesn’t have to be your partner's best friend, but…

Your Spouse Comes First, Even if You Have Kids
CouplesThree Things I’ve Learned After 25 Years of Marriage: Part One
This may seem odd, but I don’t really like giving marital advice.
In order to give advice, you need to be thought of as someone who has attained a certain level of expertise…

What to Do When Your Partner Becomes Someone Different
Couples"They Said You’d Never Change"
I can clearly hear the voices in my head of multiple women saying:
“Don’t think you’re gonna change him, honey!”
“If he’s like that now, he’ll always be that way.”
“Once a [blank], always…

Financial Tips for Couples Moving in Together
CouplesMoving in together is a big step in any relationship. You’ve just been married, and now you’re ready to take on your world together in a new home.
However, one of the biggest reasons couples fight at this stage, or any stage, is financial…

The 6 Most Important Tips for Newlyweds
Couples, Couples Marriage PrepCongratulations! If you’re reading this you have successfully survived engagement, marriage preparation, wedding planning, and hopefully had the best day of your life with a lovely honeymoon to boot!
When my husband, Joshua, and I got…

When Your Partner is Grieving
CouplesWalking Through the Valley of the Shadow Together
If you’re together for any length of time, walking through a season of grief with your partner is inevitable. Depending on the nature of your partner’s relationship with the deceased,…

The Prayer of St. Francis for Couples
CouplesWhen looking for advice on handling marital conflict, sometimes the answer is in the simplest place. It may be a single line of scripture,
[And] be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving one another as God has forgiven you in Christ.…

3 Fun Ways to Connect With Your Spouse
CouplesWe won't take up much of your time, but we wanted to share with you three fun things you can do with your spouse right now to really connect with each other (and two of them are free!).
The Five Love Languages Quiz
If you don't do anything…

Confession Isn’t Just for Your Priest
CouplesIf there’s something in your past you haven’t revealed to your partner, it may seem like it’s not that important. Especially if you’ve made it from dating to engagement or even marriage without telling them. However, keeping secrets,…

Are We Flourishing As A Couple?
CouplesAs we look around us, we see signs of new life everywhere. Spring is that time of the year when we see growth and flourishing in nature as the cycle of life continues to develop. In the same way, God invites us to experience this same growth…

I believe in you. I cherish you.
Couples, Couples Marriage PrepWhat phrases do you need to hear from your spouse?

Enriching Your Marriage for Lent
CouplesWe are well into this season of Lent, remembering the love of God that was poured out through Jesus with his death and celebrating his resurrection. Through that, we truly learn how to love like Jesus — selfless and with humility.

Developing Personal Spirituality: A Stay-At-Home Mom’s Guide to Spiritual Growth
CouplesWhen I was a young mom, I had several mentors in my life that were around 15 years or more older than me and in the later stages of parenting. To me, they radiated spirituality after years of practicing their faith, and they seemed so composed…

Scheduling Sabbath Rest: How Mothers Can Recover from Busyness
CouplesWhenever mothers think about rest it can lead to guilt. The demands of motherhood are constant. Babies, toddlers, even teenagers can’t set their needs aside to give their moms a break. Mothers know they need rest, but how in the world are…

Don’t Save it All for Valentine’s Day
CouplesLove is in the air! Greeting cards, chocolates, and roses fill every aisle at the grocery store. Your favorite local restaurant is booked solid on the 14th. Couples everywhere are celebrating their undying love for one another — for one day…

Valentine’s Day: More than Hearts, Chocolates, and Roses
CouplesWould the real Saint Valentine please stand up?
Yes, it may seem funny, but if we look at the history of the Catholic Church, and what the martyrology (a catalog of Roman Catholic martyrs and saints) says, we will find that there are three…

Resting Your Mind – How Mothers Can Calm Their Inner Voices
CouplesJuggling the duties of stay-at-home-motherhood can be overwhelming at times, but there are many ways moms can find refuge to rest their minds, recover from busyness, and develop their personal spirituality.
Moms face a lot of judgment and…

Reviewing Refocusing and Reenergizing Your Relationship
CouplesJump to:
Get Started
Review, Refocus, and Reenergize Your Marriage
Romancing and Pursuing Each Other
Growing in Love — Practically and Spiritually
Put it in Action
It's the beginning of the year, and for most, that…

Marriage and Traditions
CouplesYour marriage and traditions are about to get a lot better! Your love will enhance the traditions you already have, and make new ones!

Fall in Love All Over Again
CouplesFall is a great time for those of us who love anything pumpkin, cooler weather, and apple orchards. It is also a great time to reflect upon the time we've spent for the past several months, as the year begins to wind down.

Setting Goals in Your Marriage
CouplesYou cannot predict the future, but you can plan for the future.
Okay, okay, I know that’s pretty cliché, but if something is a cliché, it usually means it’s true, right?
The Future (personifying it a little bit here) is scary by…

Affordable Out of the Box Date Ideas
CouplesWhether you just started your adventure together, or you are seasoned veterans when it comes to marriage, we all know how important it is to maintain consistent and intentional date nights. It may actually be more important once you start having…

Who Instituted the Sacrament of Marriage in the Catholic Church?
Couples, Couples Catholic Weddings, Couples Marriage PrepHave you ever wondered who instituted the Sacrament of Marriage in the Catholic Church? Have you asked yourself where is Marriage in the Bible?
This might be a question that is important to you and your fiance, especially now that you are…

Holy Week, Easter, and the Reality of Marriage
Clergy, CouplesWhen we think about this time in the Liturgical Calendar, Holy Week and Easter, we usually associate it with church services, long liturgies and rituals. We think of all this as something that happens ‘in church’ but we don’t see much…

Lent in Our Lives
CouplesLent is a time of preparation for the resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Church has established this time as a period of prayer, fasting and almsgiving so we can be spiritually ready to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.

National Marriage Week 2020
Clergy, CouplesEvery year from February 7th to the 14th we celebrate “National Marriage Week.” What is National Marriage Week? It is a week dedicated to celebrate and support marriages in the United States and also in other countries around the world.

New Marriages The Holidays and The Extended Family
CouplesThe holidays represent a great challenge to marriages and family life. We all enjoy getting together with family and friends and spending time with them. Balancing new marriages, the holidays, and the extended family can be difficult. What happens…

Love is Thankful
Clergy, Couples, Couples Marriage PrepHow often do we remember to give thanks for the acts of love and kindness we constantly receive? How many times do we take for granted the love that surrounds us? The celebration of Thanksgiving comes into our lives once a year as a reminder…

Who is the Real Minister of the Sacrament of Marriage?
Clergy, Couples, Couples Marriage PrepAn important aspect about preparing for marriage in the Catholic Church is finding and selecting the priest who will preside over the celebration.
Couples usually find the church first and, therefore, the priest who is at that particular…

Summer Growing Summer Loving Marriage Enrichment
CouplesJune is the beginning of summer in the United States. It is also when most couples and families take time to rest and re-energize. We take trips to visit the beach, the lake, parks, etc. In general, it is a season for rest and relaxation; a…

4 Affordable Dates That Won’t Break The Bank
CouplesWhen it comes to any date, it’s pretty safe to say that we all like to be impressed by the other, and we like to be impressive as well. Truthfully though, don’t most of us simply appreciate a romantic effort most times, leaving the pricey…

What do Ash Wednesday and Lent mean?
Couples'Tis the season...Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season are upon us! No matter what your religious affiliations or beliefs are, have you ever wondered or needed a fresh description of what it all means and its purpose? If your answer is, "yes",…

The Newlywed’s Guide To Talking About Investments
CouplesMoney is one of the most common causes of friction during the first year of marriage. When you first enter into a union it is important to discuss money matters, but you might be wondering: what kind of personal finances should I bring up?

Staying out of the Deep End: Tips for Engagement Happiness
Couples, Couples Marriage PrepWhen you take the ultimate commitment plunge – getting engaged — there are an increasing number of deep waterways you may have to navigate together. To name a few, there’s adjusting to your new relationship status, making decisions together,…

One Marriage, One Income.
Couples'For richer, for poorer'.... it's right there in the traditional marriage vows, but how many of us consider the consequences of actually living it out in the real world? The sad statistic is that up to 50% of marriages end in divorce, with finances…

Adjusting Expectations in the First Weeks and Months of Marriage
Couples, Couples Marriage PrepThe newlywed period is an exciting time. Not only are you still coming down from the buzz of your wedding and all its associated events, you and your partner are also getting to know each other as husband and wife. While this time can be blissful,…

Staying Committed in the Social Media Age
CouplesSocial media is a wonderful tool to use for connecting with friends, family, and loved ones, who may not otherwise be able to connect. Along with that freedom comes a good deal of self-discipline to be able to use appropriately and responsibly,…
On Catholic Weddings

How to Rejoice with Gratitude & Humility
Couples, Couples Catholic Marriage, Couples Marriage PrepThe rite of Holy Matrimony is beautiful.
Not only for the day of the wedding, but it bears fruit for years to come. One of the sections I have constantly reflected on during my marriage is the pledge to be faithful in all circumstances.

5 Saints I Wish I Knew More About
Couples, Couples Marriage PrepAt the start of my marriage...
One of the things I remembered talking about in marriage prep was the importance of making time for your spouse.
To carve out certain times of the day or week for quality time — putting the kids to bed early…

Cold Feet or Call it Off
Couples Catholic Weddings, Couples Marriage Prep, OpinionWhat if I'm having doubts about getting married?
The engagement period is marked by several emotional highs: the thrill of announcements, anxiety about mounting costs, and the mad dash to get everything done. Couples will ride the roller coaster…

New Finances Production
Clergy, Couples Marriage Prep
What do engaged couples need to know about finances during marriage prep?
This is a big question to answer. Especially considering the diversity of couples who get married in the Catholic Church.
Did you know the average age…

Couples Catholic Marriage, Couples Catholic Weddings, Couples Marriage Prep“Of course we will do a Catholic marriage service. Do you want to do a Latin Mass?”
This was the first sentence from my Protestant fiancé as we sat down to figure out what our marriage ceremony would look like.
Branden and I had spent…

Looking for a Parish Community
Couples Catholic Marriage, Couples Catholic Weddings, Couples Marriage PrepA Message to Newlyweds
Congratulations on your wedding!
The two of you have entered a lifetime covenant by joining your lives in the sacred union of marriage. Even though this may sound very scary and challenging, you are not alone on this…

What do you do at Pre-Cana?
Couples, Couples Marriage Prep, Engagedhttps://vimeo.com/790847585
Now that you've made the big decision and you're beginning the marriage prep process, you may have heard about “Pre-Cana” from your priest or others in your parish.
What is Pre-Cana?
Simply put, Pre-Cana is…

How do you get married in the Catholic Church?
Couples Catholic Marriage, Couples Catholic Weddings, Couples Marriage PrepFinding a partner to share the rest of your life with is a blessing. If you’ve recently been engaged and are planning to be married in the Catholic Church, there are a few steps you'll need to take.
In the Catholic Church, marriage is a Sacrament, and taking these important steps will prepare you for a lifetime of love and commitment to each other and God.

The 6 Most Important Tips for Newlyweds
Couples, Couples Marriage PrepCongratulations! If you’re reading this you have successfully survived engagement, marriage preparation, wedding planning, and hopefully had the best day of your life with a lovely honeymoon to boot!
When my husband, Joshua, and I got…

I believe in you. I cherish you.
Couples, Couples Marriage PrepWhat phrases do you need to hear from your spouse?

Three Types of Premarital Assessments: Which one should you take?
Couples Marriage PrepSo, your priest or marriage mentor said you need to do a premarital assessment. You’re here reading this article, so you’re likely a high achiever who wants to get this right. There are three popular premarital assessments that help couples…

What is a Relationship Inventory or Premarital Assessment?
Couples Marriage PrepTaking a relationship assessment or doing a premarital relationship inventory during premarital preparation or premarital counseling can feel intimidating.
How much time will this take?
How much do I have to tell the priest about my personal…

What to Expect at Pre-Cana
Couples Marriage PrepAre you recently engaged? Is your wedding day fast approaching? Either way, you are probably wondering what to expect at Pre-Cana. We have some insight on the types of programs and how they work.
When an engaged Catholic couple begins…

Planning a Catholic Wedding Ceremony
Couples Catholic Marriage, Couples Catholic Weddings, Couples Marriage PrepPlanning a wedding ceremony can be difficult at times, but always rewarding in the end. Planning a Catholic wedding ceremony has a few extra nuances that need to be taken into consideration.
Why a Catholic Wedding?
Getting married in the Catholic…

Who Instituted the Sacrament of Marriage in the Catholic Church?
Couples, Couples Catholic Weddings, Couples Marriage PrepHave you ever wondered who instituted the Sacrament of Marriage in the Catholic Church? Have you asked yourself where is Marriage in the Bible?
This might be a question that is important to you and your fiance, especially now that you are…

Why Is It Important for Catholics to get Married?
Couples Catholic Marriage, Couples Catholic Weddings, Couples Marriage PrepWhen we ask couples who are preparing for marriage, “Why do you want to get married in the Catholic Church?” sometimes the answers include…. “It is a family tradition”, or … “it is the right thing to do”, or “our family expects…

What Happened When We Opted for Online Pre-Cana
Couples Marriage PrepAside from our wedding day, New Year’s Eve in 2018 was the best day of my life. Jake, my best friend and boyfriend of five years, proposed. We were elated, ringing in the new year bearing the excitement of becoming husband and wife. But after…

Advent and Marriage Preparation
Clergy, Couples Marriage PrepThe name Advent (from the Latin word Adventus, which signifies a coming) is applied to the time of year during which the Church requires the faithful to prepare for the celebration of the feast of Christmas — the anniversary of the birth of…

Love is Thankful
Clergy, Couples, Couples Marriage PrepHow often do we remember to give thanks for the acts of love and kindness we constantly receive? How many times do we take for granted the love that surrounds us? The celebration of Thanksgiving comes into our lives once a year as a reminder…

Can You Be Married by a Priest Outside a Catholic Church?
Couples Catholic Marriage, Couples Catholic Weddings, Couples Marriage PrepIf you’re wondering if you can get married by a priest outside a Catholic church, it’s important to know the Church’s position on the celebration of weddings at places other than a Catholic church.

What’s the Point of Doing Pre-Cana?
Couples Marriage PrepMarriage preparation? What is that? What’s the point of doing Pre-Cana?
“My fiance and I have decided to get married in the Catholic Church. Why are we being asked to take classes?”
These are all real and legitimate questions that…

Who is the Real Minister of the Sacrament of Marriage?
Clergy, Couples, Couples Marriage PrepAn important aspect about preparing for marriage in the Catholic Church is finding and selecting the priest who will preside over the celebration.
Couples usually find the church first and, therefore, the priest who is at that particular…

Wedding Dates to Avoid and Dates to Consider
Couples Catholic Weddings, Couples Marriage PrepFirst Things First: Choosing Your Wedding Day
Be honest, you have most likely had the "when and where" picked out for your big day for about as long as you can remember. Am I right? Yes, of course, and so did I! We’ll save the "where" for…

Can we get married during Lent in the Catholic Church?
Couples Catholic Weddings, Couples Marriage PrepFirst of all, congratulations on your engagement and soon coming wedding! What a very exciting, sacramental, and beautiful event in your life. Standing before God and man reciting your vows to your beloved is one of the most profound moments…

“That they Might Be One”: Ecumenical Marriages
Couples Catholic Marriage, Couples Marriage PrepWhen a Catholic and a non-Catholic marry one another, obvious differences in doctrine, worship, or personal piety inevitably lead to tension. So how can an ecumenical marriage thrive?
You were drawn to this person in particular, not their religion…

Staying out of the Deep End: Tips for Engagement Happiness
Couples, Couples Marriage PrepWhen you take the ultimate commitment plunge – getting engaged — there are an increasing number of deep waterways you may have to navigate together. To name a few, there’s adjusting to your new relationship status, making decisions together,…

How to Limit Your Wedding Guest List Without Hurting Peoples’ Feelings
Couples Catholic Marriage, Couples Catholic Weddings, Couples Marriage PrepWeddings are such wonderful times, especially for the bride and groom, who are celebrating their decision to become one. But, planning a wedding is not always fun, and there is quite a bit of bureaucracy behind preparing for such a major event.…

Adjusting Expectations in the First Weeks and Months of Marriage
Couples, Couples Marriage PrepThe newlywed period is an exciting time. Not only are you still coming down from the buzz of your wedding and all its associated events, you and your partner are also getting to know each other as husband and wife. While this time can be blissful,…

What is Pre-Cana in the Catholic Church?
Couples Marriage PrepWhat is Pre-Cana? It is a marriage preparation course, class, or consultation for couples who will be married in a Catholic church.
On Natural Family Planning

NFP as a Path to Holiness
Couples, Couples NFPIntegrating Faith into Family Planning
These three letters, standing for Natural Family Planning, represent the Catholic Church’s teaching on achieving or postponing pregnancy. Sometimes, NFP can sound like a burden rather than a…

What You Didn’t Know about Natural Family Planning
Couples, Couples NFPChildren are a gift from the Lord. - Psalm 127:3
This reminder from Scripture is often underrated and forgotten, and conversations about planning your family in discernment with God need to have this understanding in mind.
Considering children…

A Shared Approach to Natural Family Planning
Couples NFPRed light, green light.
It’s a game I’ve seen some couples play as their approach to using Natural Family Planning (NFP). The woman attends most or all of the teaching sessions for the chosen method of NFP, she diligently charts and asks…

My Journey With NFP in Real Life
Couples NFP, OpinionFrom single, to used, to married...
My journey with NFP in real life has been anything but linear.
A loop-de-loop would be a more appropriate term.
Even before marriage, I was encouraged by a Catholic mentor to proactively begin charting…

Common Questions About NFP
Couples NFPThere is a lot of excitement when you first get engaged. It can be a very thrilling season of life, but it also includes a big checklist of things to do. Depending on the length of your engagement, you'll either be in a rush or have some time…

Discovering Better Health Through Natural Family Planning
Couples, Couples NFP"Well…I suppose we could put you on the pill for that.”
This was a phrase I heard all too often during my adolescence. When I sought help for longer than normal periods, the sharp pain in my abdomen, or troublesome acne, the answer always…

5 Qualities of a Great NFP Course
Clergy NFP, Couples NFPConsidering our vocation to be a light to the world, we have a duty to discover and transmit God’s truth in all aspects of human existence, including human sexuality. And that involves sharing the truth about the often misunderstood and hotly…

What is Natural Family Planning (NFP)?
Couples NFPNatural Family Planning (NFP) is a method of planning your family in a natural way that respects the Catholic Church and allows you to manage your fertility.
NFP allows you the freedom to achieve, postpone or avoid pregnancy.
The unique…