Entries by Jessie Wiegand

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Cold Feet or Call it Off

Read Time: 5 minutes

What if I’m having doubts about getting married? The engagement period is marked by several emotional highs: the thrill of announcements, anxiety about mounting costs, and the mad dash to get everything done. Couples will ride the roller coaster of those highs and lows all the way to the altar […]

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New Finances Production

Read Time: 2 minutes

What do engaged couples need to know about finances during marriage prep? This is a big question to answer. Especially considering the diversity of couples who get married in the Catholic Church. Did you know the average age of couples taking our online Catholic marriage prep course is 30? We […]

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The 3 Scariest Letters of Marriage Prep: NFP

Read Time: 5 minutes

Such a monumental and life-changing event as a wedding deserves a significant amount of thought and planning to be sure! From the perfect church to complicated guest lists, to bouquets of flowers and more, planning a wedding requires a lot of time, effort, and brainpower. With so much focus on […]

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Book Review – The Good, The Messy, and The Beautiful

Read Time: 3 minutes

Book Title: The Good, The Messy, and the Beautiful Authors: Dr. Edward and Beth Sri Who Should Read It? This book is great for engaged or married couples who want to learn from the experience of a couple married over 20 years. It’s written from the co-authors’ (Edward and Beth) […]

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National Marriage Week Advice

Read Time: 5 minutes

For National Marriage Week, we asked ministry leaders and married couples, “What is one important thing couples need to know in their first year of marriage?” Here are some of our favorite replies: One thing Mike and I have learned is that communication is key. Whether that’s communicating your goals, […]

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What do you do at Pre-Cana?

Read Time: 3 minutes

Now that you’ve made the big decision and you’re beginning the marriage prep process, you may have heard about “Pre-Cana” from your priest or others in your parish. What is Pre-Cana? Simply put, Pre-Cana is a marriage preparation course, class, or consultation for couples who will be married in a Catholic Church. […]

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When Are Outside Friendships Ruining Your Marriage?

Read Time: 4 minutes

Having friendships with individuals and other couples is healthy for married couples. We should all have a variety of people to engage with socially and consult for advice. Your best friend doesn’t have to be your partner’s best friend, but if your spouse can’t stand your BFF or vice versa, […]