Entries by Claudio Mora


Holy Week, Easter, and the Reality of Marriage

Read Time: 2 minutes

When we think about this time in the Liturgical Calendar, Holy Week and Easter, we usually associate it with church services, long liturgies and rituals. We think of all this as something that happens ‘in church’ but we don’t see much connection of this season with our own lives. Holy […]

Lent in Our Lives

Read Time: 2 minutes

Lent is a time of preparation for the resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The Church has established this time as a period of prayer, fasting and almsgiving so we can be spiritually ready to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.


National Marriage Week 2020

Read Time: 2 minutes

Every year from February 7th to the 14th we celebrate “National Marriage Week.” What is National Marriage Week? It is a week dedicated to celebrate and support marriages in the United States and also in other countries around the world. “National Marriage Week USA is part of International Marriage Week, […]

New Marriages The Holidays and The Extended Family

Read Time: 2 minutes

The holidays represent a great challenge to marriages and family life. We all enjoy getting together with family and friends and spending time with them. Balancing new marriages, the holidays, and the extended family can be difficult. What happens when the extended family on both sides expect you to spend […]


Advent and Marriage Preparation

Read Time: 2 minutes

The name Advent (from the Latin word Adventus, which signifies a coming) is applied to the time of year during which the Church requires the faithful to prepare for the celebration of the feast of Christmas — the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ. The season of Advent lasts […]

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Love is Thankful

Read Time: 2 minutes

How often do we remember to give thanks for the acts of love and kindness we constantly receive? How many times do we take for granted the love that surrounds us? The celebration of Thanksgiving comes into our lives once a year as a reminder to be thankful, not only […]

A Fruitful Orientation at the USCCB

Read Time: < 1 minute

October 8th-10th, several new Diocesan Directors of Family Life gathered at the Washington Retreat House in Washington, DC for an orientation that was put together by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and its Secretariat for Laity, Marriage, Family and Youth. The goal of the orientation was to introduce […]

What’s the Point of Doing Pre-Cana?

Read Time: 3 minutes

Marriage preparation? What is that? What’s the point of doing Pre-Cana? “My fiance and I have decided to get married in the Catholic Church. Why are we being asked to take classes?” These are all real and legitimate questions that many couples ask when they learn that they need to […]