Entries by Claudio Mora

Reenergize Your Family Life Director

Read Time: 3 minutes

“As a priest and pastor, what can I do for my Family Life or Marriage Ministry Director?” If this is a question you have asked yourself in the past, then you are on the right track! It is not a secret to anyone that Family Life Directors are not only […]

Cultural Sensitivity

Read Time: 2 minutes

Ministry in a Multicultural Church Cultural diversity is a reality that touches not only our country but also the Church. Parishes have become a home to people from different cultural backgrounds. Today in our parishes, we find people who speak different languages, have different cultural and religious traditions, are different […]

Networking With Fellow Family Life Ministers

Read Time: 2 minutes

You Are Not an Island: The Value of Networking With Fellow Family Life Ministers Picture an island in the middle of the ocean. The words that come to mind when you think of an island may be: disconnected, isolated, lonely, independent. While these are accurate, we must also realize that […]


Red Flags in Marriage Prep

Read Time: 3 minutes

The ministry of marriage preparation is a lot like driving a car; just when you think the road is smooth and straight and free of obstacles, you discover bumps, twists and turns, and, of course, traffic lights. Most of the time, we hope for green lights all the way through. […]

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How do you get married in the Catholic Church?

Read Time: 4 minutes

Finding a partner to share the rest of your life with is a blessing. If you’ve recently been engaged and are planning to be married in the Catholic Church, there are a few steps you’ll need to take.

In the Catholic Church, marriage is a Sacrament, and taking these important steps will prepare you for a lifetime of love and commitment to each other and God.

Are We Flourishing As A Couple?

Read Time: 2 minutes

As we look around us, we see signs of new life everywhere. Spring is that time of the year when we see growth and flourishing in nature as the cycle of life continues to develop. In the same way, God invites us to experience this same growth and flourishing in […]

Valentine’s Day: More than Hearts, Chocolates, and Roses

Read Time: 2 minutes

Would the real Saint Valentine please stand up? Yes, it may seem funny, but if we look at the history of the Catholic Church, and what the martyrology (a catalog of Roman Catholic martyrs and saints) says, we will find that there are three Saint Valentines. The first Saint Valentine […]

Doing Ministry in Difficult Times

Read Time: 2 minutes

As a ministry leader, you may be feeling lonely, tired, overworked, and lost. Doing ministry in these circumstances is not easy! Please know we are here to help you! You are not alone. Here are some ideas that you can implement now that you are trying to do more with less resources