Entries by Gordon

Setting Goals in Your Marriage

Read Time: 5 minutes

You cannot predict the future, but you can plan for the future. Okay, okay, I know that’s pretty cliché, but if something is a cliché, it usually means it’s true, right? The Future (personifying it a little bit here) is scary by nature. The overall ambiguity of it all can […]

Affordable Out of the Box Date Ideas

Read Time: 4 minutes

Whether you just started your adventure together, or you are seasoned veterans when it comes to marriage, we all know how important it is to maintain consistent and intentional date nights. It may actually be more important once you start having children together. One issue that may come up is […]

What to Expect at Pre-Cana

Read Time: 3 minutes

Are you recently engaged? Is your wedding day fast approaching? Either way, you are probably wondering what to expect at Pre-Cana. We have some insight on the types of programs and how they work. When an engaged Catholic couple begins the marriage preparation process, one of the things they are required to do […]

4 Affordable Dates That Won’t Break The Bank

Read Time: 2 minutes

When it comes to any date, it’s pretty safe to say that we all like to be impressed by the other, and we like to be impressive as well. Truthfully though, don’t most of us simply appreciate a romantic effort most times, leaving the pricey extravagance for a random, extra […]

What do Ash Wednesday and Lent mean?

Read Time: 3 minutes

‘Tis the season…Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season are upon us! No matter what your religious affiliations or beliefs are, have you ever wondered or needed a fresh description of what it all means and its purpose? If your answer is, “yes”, don’t worry–you’re not alone. In brief, here are […]


Staying out of the Deep End: Tips for Engagement Happiness

Read Time: 2 minutes

When you take the ultimate commitment plunge – getting engaged — there are an increasing number of deep waterways you may have to navigate together. To name a few, there’s adjusting to your new relationship status, making decisions together, planning the wedding, and navigating your future in-laws. While every couple […]