Marriage Preparation
Online marriage preparation programs are the ideal solution for couples separated by distance, having scheduling difficulties, or with limited traditional Pre-Cana options.
Our courses are promoted by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales and accepted by dioceses and parishes worldwide. We are also a member of the Catholic Family Life Association.
We produce modern courses that deliver a natural and authentic experience for today’s couples. Our presenters are real people, not actors, who speak from the heart about their life experiences and faith stories.
Our courses are comprehensive and engaging, perfect for self-led experiences by couples alone, and for mentor-led accompaniment by clergy or sponsor couples.
Started in 2009, The Marriage Group has become the leading provider of online and on-demand marriage preparation and enrichment courses. With over 50,000 couples served worldwide, we help church groups to leverage technology and meet today’s couples where they are.
Online marriage preparation programs are the ideal solution for couples separated by distance, having scheduling difficulties, or with limited traditional Pre-Cana options.
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a scientifically proven, 99% effective method for postponing or achieving pregnancy while respecting the woman’s body and health.
The Couple Checkup is an online assessment tool designed to identify the unique relationship strengths and growth areas of dating, engaged, and married couples.