Topics in NFP Life®

A Foundational Natural Family Planning Course

Introduction to Natural Family Planning

What is Natural Family Planning? (NFP)

  • Natural Family Planning is the general title for the scientific, natural, and moral methods of family planning.
  • NFP can be used to achieve or postpone pregnancy as the couple adjusts their behavior in response to the fertile and infertile windows within the wife’s cycle.
  • There are no drugs, devices, or surgical procedures used to postpone or avoid pregnancy. It’s also free!
  • The methods of NFP respect the love-giving (unitive) and life-giving (procreative) nature of the conjugal act. Natural Family Planning supports God’s design for married love!

Benefits of Natural Family Planning

  • The divorce rate among couples who practice NFP is remarkably low. Some recent studies have indicated divorce rates as low as 3%.
  • By its very nature, practicing NFP promotes healthy communication and respect for each other within your marriage.
  • Natural Family Planning allows couples to completely avoid sterilization.
  • Times of abstinence present opportunities to develop deeper levels of emotional intimacy.

What to Expect & The Next Steps

  • Practicing NFP allows women to closely monitor their reproductive health.
  • Cycle charting can help physicians better understand the state of a woman’s hormonal health.
  • Husbands should be willing and excited to begin charting with their wife. This is a team effort!

The Science and Research of NFP

An Overview of The Research, The Data, & The Methods

  • The overall effectiveness of reliable methods, such as the Billings Ovulation, Creighton, and Symto-Thermal methods, is very high.
  • There isn’t a “one size fits all” method.
  • Getting started using NFP is easier than most people think, and there is plenty of research and data available to ensure each couple can choose which method works best for them and their goals.

Who Can Use NFP & When to Start Charting

  • All women can use NFP at all stages of their reproductive life.
  • Ovulation, not bleeding, is the main event of a woman’s menstrual cycle.
  • The primary signs of ovulation are changes in body temperature, cervical mucus, and LH in urine, which can be charted on paper or in specific apps created by NFP practitioners.

The Artificial Contraception Dilemma

  • There are many documented side effects and risks associated with artificial contraception.
  • The World Health Organization classifies oral contraceptive pill as a Group 1 Carcinogen.
  • Many women are put on the birth control pill for reasons other than preventing pregnancy — abnormal periods, acne, pain with periods, and PCOS. However, the pill does not treat the underlying medical issue that causes those symptoms.
  • Charting your cycle and ovulation gives your doctor the big picture of what is going on in regards to your overall health.

Understanding, Tracking, and Charting Biomarkers

Understanding Biomarkers

  • Biomarkers are the signs a woman’s body sends to indicate the fertile and infertile days in her cycle.
  • Basal Body Temperature is a woman’s body temperature at rest. It is best measured before getting out of bed each morning after a good night’s rest.
  • Cervical mucus is secreted by the cervix and fluctuates in amount and consistency throughout a woman’s cycle.
  • LH is short for luteinizing hormone and it is secreted in varying amounts in a woman’s urine.

Tracking Biomarkers

  • Medical conditions, intent, and lifestyle can affect the method of NFP you use.
  • Biomarkers are tracked by noticing the changes in cervical mucus, temperature, and LH in urine.
  • Consistency is key to tracking biomarkers and using NFP successfully.
  • Abnormal biomarkers can be indicators of underlying health issues.

Charting Biomarkers

  • Biomarkers must be checked, observed, and charted each day to accurately track fertility.
  • Paper charts, apps based on NFP, or monitors are all great ways to keep track of biomarkers.
  • The best time to have intercourse depends on whether a couple has discerned they are trying to achieve or postpone pregnancy.

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