NFP Life®

A Foundational Natural Family Planning Course


Learn how to postpone or achieve pregnancy, and how to use Natural Family Planning to improve your overall health!

This foundational Natural Family Planning course covers the Catholic Church’s teaching on human sexuality, conjugal love, and responsible parenthood. It also provides detailed information about the biomarkers that indicate fertility and how to track them, so couples can choose a method of NFP that fits their lifestyle.

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“It was very helpful for our marriage
and for our health…”

Myra • Oklahoma
  • Improve Your Health

    Learn the body’s natural signs of fertility and how they change throughout a woman’s cycle. Understanding these signals empowers women with knowledge of their overall reproductive health.

  • Plan Your Future

    Discover the difference between “period-tracking” and true fertility awareness, and choose a method that works for your lifestyle.

  • Grow Your Marriage

    Since Natural Family Planning respects the love-giving (unitive) and life-giving (procreative) nature of the conjugal act, it supports God’s design for married love!

What’s Included

  • Access For a Full Year

    Take your time navigating through this program. Enjoy the deep and rich conversations you’ll have with your spouse as you begin this new chapter in your life together.

  • Eleven-Part Video Series

    These on-demand video segments present the topic of Natural Family Planning in a scientific, thoughtful, and approachable way.

    View All Included Topics

  • Tools to Help You Get Started

    This course covers all reliable methods of Natural Family Planning and equips couples to start tracking and charting fertility.


Designed by God for Your Marriage

Gabriella & Nelson NFP Life® Review

Gabriella & Nelson • North Carolina

“At first I was so skeptical. I didn’t know if my fiancé and I would actually do this or if it actually worked. But we were both pleasantly surprised! I’d recommend it because it’s backed by science, there’s no side effects whatsoever, and I love that it pulls the husband in to be more involved which makes it more of a team effort and not just on the woman.

I also love that it requires more communication and it honors the Lord. At first we didn’t think we could do the “abstinence” part, but after it was explained it actually excited both of us and my fiancé just loved the concept. It made me feel so safe and loved when he agreed that he would NEVER want to force me into anything and that he wants to protect me in that area and make me feel safe. I was literally crying haha! It was such a God thing that we’re both, now, all in on NFP!

Presented By

Kyle & Dr. Danielle Koestner

Kyle and Danielle Koestner have been married since 2005 and have six children. They both serve on the Boards for both BOMA USA and FEMM Health.

Kyle is an engineer with over 25 years experience in the automotive industry.

Dr. Danielle Koestner is a Family Medicine OB physician who did full-scope family medicine with deliveries for 10 years in an underserved community. She works with the FEMM Health Medical Education Team, along with the Billings Ovulation Team.

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Daria Bailey & Natalie Klinkhammer — NFP Life®

Daria Bailey & Natalie Klinkhammer

Daria Bailey is a Certified Fertility Care Practitioner in the Creighton Method and the President of Groesbeck Fertility Care Center in Michigan. She has special interest in primary and secondary infertility and works with clients both in-person and virtually.

Natalie Klinkhammer is Vice President of Groesbeck Fertility Care Center and is an RN, BSN, and Certified Fertility Care Practitioner. Her special interests are primary and secondary infertility, PMS, and PCOS. She sees clients both in-person and virtually.

Safe and Non-Invasive


NFP is not a contraceptive, and it does nothing to suppress or block conception. Instead, couples learn to follow the naturally occurring signs of fertility rather than relying on the use of IUDs, the birth control pill, or sterilization for family planning.

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