Living Our Faith in Love®
Online Pre-Cana *Updated in 2025!
Solid Catholic teaching from presenters committed to their faith and sacramental marriage. Promoted by the USCCB and used in 256 dioceses worldwide.
The most convenient option for couples; the most flexible option for leaders. Couples access the course online, work at their own pace, and can take as much time as needed to reflect and discuss the included materials. Leaders can use this course in the catechumenate model of marriage preparation.
Learn more about the Core Formation Experience.
Couples love it! Our highly rated course encourages couples to have deep conversations, growth in their Catholic faith, and better understand themselves and their relationship.
- Prepare/Enrich Relationship Assessment
- Complete course on Natural Family Planning: NFP Life®
- Official Pre-Cana Certificate
- Official NFP Certificate
NFP Life®
Natural Family Planning *Updated in 2025!
Inspired by St. Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, learn the Church’s teaching on human sexuality, conjugal love, and responsible parenthood.
Presenters share their own journey of understanding Natural Family Planning and how its realities have shaped their lives.
Taught by a licensed OBGYN physician and two FertilityCare practitioners, the course covers identifying, tracking, and charting biomarkers and all reliable methods of natural family planning.
Relationship Inventories
The Couple Checkup is an online assessment tool designed to identify the unique relationship strengths and growth areas of dating, engaged, and married couples.
Research shows this process improves relationships by stimulating honest dialogue, increasing understanding, and empowering couples.
Couples receive a 15-20 page report on their relationship and can download a free guide designed to help them learn proven relationship skills.
- The Couple Checkup is included in Living Our Faith In Love™
- It’s also available to all couples (even if you haven’t taken our courses) here.