Testimonials from Ministry Leaders
Here’s Why Your Peers Love Our Programs
Here’s Why Your Peers Love Our Programs
The Marriage Group provides excellent resources for couples preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. In particular, Living Our Faith in Love, provides the couple with quality content that facilitates deeper conversation among the couple and with the preparing minister.
It was clear to me that the couples who participated in the Living Our Faith in Love program were deeply affected by the content. So too, they very openly/warmly shared with me how grateful they were to be given the opportunity to reflect on their relationship and reflect on what God desires for their Marriage.
Fr. Eric Harris
Saint Raphael Parish, Bay Village, Diocese of Cleveland
It was nice to go at our own pace allowing for our everyday tasks to still be completed. We were a lot more comfortable talking among the two of us about these personal topics rather than in a group. We were able to spend more time on the topics that we felt we needed to.
We took the marriage course online because we work every weekend.
It was nice to be able to go over the course in a relaxed environment that provoked discussion, rather than rushing through and just getting it done.
Considering we live on opposite sides of the country, this was the perfect program for us to take part in. We were given all the information we needed in an engaging way, and it challenged us to have conversations about more than we initially expected.
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